I'm sorry to inform you that your browser don't support CSS3 Animations!
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The LindowsX Desktop Experience
Finder version 10.7.1
TM and © 2020-2021 Sahibindenkarli Inc
All Rights Reserved
Version 10.7.2
TM and © 1983-2011 Sahibindenkarli Inc
All Rights Reserved
If you choose Secure Empty Trash, you can't recover the items unless you've backed them up using Time Machine or another backup program.
Secure Empty Trash CancelVersion 1.1
In this project I tried to maximize the use of CSS3.
For the clock and the fake login I used javascript. (knowing the limitations of CSS3).
To fix a limitation of the pseudo-class :target after login via javascript i added a some classes so that the desktop page remin visible even clicking on other links
For more information about this project please visit the link
Version 1.1
New Version Featured
Replace some image elements with CSS3, Dock, hide and show window, fix and optimize the code
Modern Browser Supported
Firefox, Safari and Chrome
HTML 5 and CSS3
Intensive use of the CSS3 Keyframes Animations and :target pseudo-class and for GUI
Clock, Fake Login and add special classes after login to remove animations and fix the desktop, hide and show window and and added classes for the dock
Draggable Window
Use a jQuery UI Draggable plugin
Use images for logos, user-avatar, spinner loading, cursors, background images, icons